Choosing the Right Floorplan for Your Family



Choosing a floorplan to match your family and lifestyle can be a rewarding experience. But where do you start and what options do you need to consider? With our helpful tips, you’ll be well on your way to the perfect family home.

Utilise space and orientation

The main consideration you need to have surrounds the size of your block in relation to the size of your desired house. How many bedrooms, bathrooms and common spaces are needed to live comfortably? Once you have established size, consider the orientation of your block to maximise north sun to your living areas and outdoor entertaining areas.

Do you need special interest rooms?

You have the perfect block and you’re starting to look into floorplans. What needs does your family have that should be factored into your floorplan decision to make life easier after handover? Do you or your children need a study space? Other options to consider include room for extra linen storage, double garage extension or a formal dining room.

What is your family lifestyle like?

Do you entertain or have guests over often? You may need to consider larger outdoor living spaces and open plan environments. Do your kids need a space to play and be creative? You might need to think about an extra living room or extra backyard space. It is worth taking the time to think about how your family spends it’s day-to-day lives in order for your home to accommodate your lifestyle.

Consider the future

What does your family dynamic look like in five or ten years time? It would be worth considering the potential growth in personnelle and allowing space for you to be comfortable. Also think about priorities – will your younger children need more room to spread out as they grow up? Do you have the space to incorporate new hobbies and interests?

See it in person

Once you have found a floorplan that ticks all of the boxes, your best bet to validate your interest is to go and see it in person. This can be done by getting in contact with the builder who will be able to direct you to a display home, or if you’re lucky, be able to privately show you through one that is currently under construction.

With a huge selection of volume and custom builders available in Melbourne, the world is your oyster when it comes to choosing an appropriate floorplan. If you would like any helpful hints or pointers, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the friendly sales team at Alira by calling contacting us or by visiting our sales office at 342-350 Centre Road in Berwick 3806


Our sales suite is now open 7 days from 11am to 5pm.
We can also take appointments by phone or virtual tours.

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Display Suite
342-350 Centre Road, Berwick VIC 3806, Australia

Monday - Sunday 11.00am-5.00pm

Trudi Kerr 0410 154 008
Hong Lat 0430 525 977

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